Tuesday, November 26, 2019

VB.NET LinkLabel Component Tutorial

VB.NET LinkLabel Component Tutorial LinkLabel, new in Visual Basic .NET, is a standard control that lets you embed web-style links in a form. Like a lot of VB.NET controls, this one doesnt do anything that you couldnt do before ... but with more code and more trouble. For example, VB 6 had the Navigate (and Navigate2 when the first one proved inadequate) methods that you could use with a URL text string to call a web page. LinkLabel is much more convenient and trouble free than older techniques. But, in sync with .NET architecture, LinkLabel is designed to be used with other objects to do the whole job. You still need to use a separate command to start an email or browser for example. Example code is included below. The basic idea is to put the email address or web URL into the Text property of a LinkLabel component, then when the label is clicked, the LinkClicked event is triggered. There are well over a hundred methods and objects available for the LinkLabel object including properties to handle everything you might want to do with a link like changing the color, text, position, how it behaves when you click it ... whatever! You can even check mouse buttons and positions and test whether the Alt, Shift, or Ctrl keys are pressed when the link is clicked. A list is shown in the illustration below: Click Here to display the illustrationClick the Back button on your browser to return An object with a really long name is also passed to this event: LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs. Fortunately, this object is instantiated with the nice short name used for all event arguments, e. The Link object has more methods and properties. The illustration below shows the event code and the Link object. Click Here to display the illustrationClick the Back button on your browser to return You will normally use the Text property of the Link object to get a URL or email address and then pass this value to System.Diagnostics.Process.Start. To bring up a web page ... System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(http://visualbasic.about.com) To start an email using the default email program ... System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(mailto: visualbasicaboutguide.com) But youre really limited only by your imagination in using the five overloads of the Start method. You could, for example, start the Solitaire game: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(sol.exe) If you put a file in the string field, then the default processing program for that file type in Windows will kick in and process the file. This statement will display MyPicture.jpg (if its in the root of drive C:). System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(C:MyPicture.jpg) You can use the LinkLabel almost like a button by simply putting any code you like in the LinkClicked event instead of the Start method. The investigation of the hundred or so other possibilities is wa-a-a-y beyond the scope of this article, but here are a few examples to get you started. One new concept used in LinkLabel is the idea that there can be multiple links in a LinkLabel and theyre all stored in a LinkCollection type. The first element, Links(0), in the collection is created automatically although you can control what it is using the LinkArea property of LinkLabel. In the example below, the Text property of LinkLabel1 is set to FirstLink SecondLink ThirdLink but only the first 9 characters are specified as a link. The Links collection has a Count of 1 because this link was added automatically. To add more elements to the Links collection, just use the Add method. The example also shows how ThirdLink can be added as an active part of the link. Click Here to display the illustrationClick the Back button on your browser to return Its easy to associate different targets with the different parts of the Link Text. Just set the LinkData property. To make FirstLink target the About Visual Basic web page and ThirdLink target the main About.Com web page, simply add this code to the initialization (the first two statements are repeated from the illustration above for clarity): LinkLabel1.LinkArea New LinkArea(0, 9)LinkLabel1.Links.Add(21, 9)LinkLabel1.Links(0).LinkData http://visualbasic.about.comLinkLabel1.Links(1).LinkData about.com You might want to do something like this to customize links for different users. You could use code to make one group of users go to a different target than another group. Microsoft saw the light about hyperlinks with VB.NET and included everything you might want to do with them.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Green card para familiar indocumentado de militar (PIP)

Green card para familiar indocumentado de militar (PIP) El parole in place (PIP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)  es un camino poco conocido que permite obtener la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, a migrantes indocumentados que son  familiares inmediatos de  ciudadanos  militares, reservistas o  veteranos. Cuando una persona decide alistarse en el Ejà ©rcito, toma en consideracià ³n un conjunto de factores, como servir a su paà ­s, y tambià ©n por supuesto quà © beneficios e incentivos puede lograr en esa profesià ³n. Entre los beneficios destacan los migratorios que son de especial interà ©s para las personas que son inmigrantes o que tienen familiares que lo son. En este artà ­culo se explica  un beneficio migratorio concreto: el parole in place:  Ã‚  quià ©nes aplica el PIP, cules son los trmites, cules pueden ser los problemas que pueden surgir  y quà © opciones existen para los migrantes que no pueden beneficiarse. Quià ©nes se pueden beneficiar de la medida del parole in place (PIP) Para solicitar con à ©xito es necesario cumplir los siguientes requerimientos: En primer lugar, estar  calificado por las leyes migratorias dentro de la categorà ­a de familiar inmediato de un ciudadano estadounidense. Esto quiere decir que se tiene que ser: cà ³nyuge. Se admiten tanto los matrimonios heterosexuales como los homosexuales.padre, o madrehijo soltero que adems debe ser menos de 21 aà ±os. En segundo lugar, la persona interesada en obtener el PIP  tiene que estar presente en Estados Unidos. No aplica a las personas que se encuentran en otro paà ­s. En tercer lugar, estos  migrantes indocumentados  no pueden regularizar  su situacià ³n a pesar de ser familiares inmediatos de un ciudadano. La razà ³n es porque entraron a Estados Unidos sin ser inspeccionados, es decir, cruzando la frontera ilegalmente por un lugar que no era la Aduana y, por lo tanto, no autorizà ³ su entrada un oficial de Inmigracià ³n.   En otras palabras, los familiares inmediatos de ciudadano pero que ingresaron a los Estados Unidos legalmente pero que despuà ©s se convirtieron en indocumentados porque no salieron del paà ­s cuando debà ­an hacerlo no tienen que recurrir al PIP. La razà ³n es que para ellos es posible ajustar su estatus, es decir, arreglar los papeles sin salir de Estados Unidos si ese es el à ºnico problema que existe en su rà ©cord migratorio. En cuarto lugar, el à ºnico problema migratorio que se tiene es que se ha ingresado ilegalmente. Esto lo hay que tener muy claro porque el PIP no aplica si hay otros problemas. Y en quinto  y à ºltimo lugar, el migrante indocumentado para el que se pide el PIP  tiene que ser el familiar inmediato de un militar ciudadano americano  en activo en cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito Americano. Tambià ©n se admite para los familiares de un Reservista, incluidos los de la Guardia Nacional, o de un veterano. Cà ³mo se aplica para recibir el  parole in place (PIP) Para obtener la green card por medio del PIP  para familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos que son militares se necesita seguir dos trmites distintos: en primer lugar el de solicitud del PIP y, una vez que se obtiene la aprobacià ³n, entonces se debe proseguir al segundo paso, pidiendo el ajuste de estatus. Por lo tanto, para cumplir con el requerimiento de solicitud del PIP es necesario enviar los siguientes documentos al director de la oficina del Servicio de Ciudadanà ­a e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) que corresponda segà ºn el lugar de residencia del extranjero que pide el beneficio. La planilla I-131 debidamente llenada. El documento se llama Application for Travel Document. A pesar del nombre, es el que hay que cumplimentar. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en otros casos, cuando se est solicitando una parole in place por ser familiar directo de un militar o veterano no hay que pagar cuota.Evidencia de la relacià ³n de familia entre el inmigrante y el militar o veterano, como certificado de matrimonio, acta de nacimiento, etc. I.D. militar, DEERS, etc.  Enviar fotocopia legible, no original.Prueba de que el militar, veterano o reservista realmente lo es. Para este caso enviar una fotocopia de ambas caras de la tarjeta de identificacià ³n militar. Acreditacià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense del militar.   Dos fotos del inmigrante que sean  idà ©nticas, tipo pasaporte Documentos de cualquier tipo que puedan ayudar a que el oficial de inmigracià ³n que debe tomar una decisià ³n sobre el caso lo adopte favorablemente. Todos los documentos mencionados necesitan ser presentados. Adems, con carcter voluntario y sà ³lo en los casos en los que proceda, una carta escrita por el ciudadano americano en la que se describe la situacià ³n que el estatus migratorio del familiar puede estarle causando. En este caso, aportar la documentacià ³n que sirva para acreditar lo que se afirma. La declaracià ³n debe ir firmada, fechada e incluir direccià ³n y telà ©fono del militar. Finalmente, si la relacià ³n entre el militar y el migrante para el que se solicita el PIP es que son cà ³nyuges, entonces tambià ©n es recomendable aportar documentacià ³n que sirva para probar que el matrimonio es de buena fe, es decir, de los de verdad y no solo contraà ­do con la intencià ³n de obtener papeles. Si la peticià ³n del PIP es aprobada, se recibir una tarjeta que se conoce como I-94. Eso es la prueba de que se puede continuar y pedir un ajuste de estatus mediante la planilla I-485  para obtener la green card. Incluir pago y toda la documentacià ³n de apoyo, incluida la que sirva para probar que se ha recibido la aprobacià ³n del PIP. Quà © puede pasar cuando se solicita una parole in place (PIP) La PIP  se concede en casos muy excepcionales. Pero por orden del gobierno de los Estados Unidos desde noviembre de 2013 se conceder en la mayorà ­a de los casos a aquellas personas que son familiares directos (esposos, padres o hijos) de un militar, reservista o veterano. Es posible incluso solicitar el PIP cuando se tiene iniciado en contra un procedimiento de deportacià ³n o se tiene una orden ya dictada.   Pero sà ³lo en los casos en los que el problema migratorio està © causado por haber ingresado ilegalmente. En todo caso es necesario que el inmigrante para el que se solicita no tenga un rà ©cord criminal u otros problemas de inadmisibilidad. Tener en cuenta que en todo este proceso se va a tener que decir la verdad sobre arrestos, imputaciones, condenas, violaciones migratorias, falsedades que se han cometido al llenar documentos oficiales, nà ºmero de veces en las que se intentà ³ ingresar ilegalmente sin à ©xito a los Estados Unidos y problemas migratorios que causa el hecho de ingresar a Estados Unidos, quedarse ms de un aà ±o, salir, y volver a ingresar ilegalmente. En cualquiera de estos casos es necesario consultar con un abogado antes de enviar la aplicacià ³n. No olvidar que el PIP es discrecional, es decir, el gobierno no est obligado a aprobarlo. Y si no se aprueba se le ha dicho a las autoridades migratorias donde reside un migrante indocumentado con serios problemas migratorios. Dà ³nde buscar ms informacià ³n y asistencia Los militares tienen oficinas dedicadas a resolver dudas migratorias y ayudar con la papelerà ­a. Preguntar en el lugar donde se est estacionado. Adems, el militar, reservista o veterano (pero no su pariente que est ilegalmente en Estados Unidos) pueden solicitar una cita con el USCIS utilizando el sistema InfoPass para ayudar a resolver sus dudas, segà ºn las especificaciones del caso. Si se est en situacià ³n de indocumentado y no se califica para esta medida, verificar si es posible hacerlo a travà ©s de alguno de estos caminos para la regularizacià ³n.  Es muy importante conocer quà © es realmente posible y quà © no y evitar ser và ­ctima de un fraude migratorio.   Cambios recientes PIP es una medida de alivio que aprobà ³ el presidente Barack Obama al igual que  DACA clsico, tambià ©n conocida como la Accià ³n Diferida,  sà ­ que est en vigor y se puede aplicar si se cumplen los requisitos. Desde que asumià ³ la presidencia de Donald Trump se ha pronunciado sobre numerosos asuntos migratorios  e incluso ha emitido à ³rdenes ejecutivas con grandes repercusiones migratorias. Ya se han comenzado a notar los efectos de la nueva polà ­tica de prioridades de deportacià ³n. Por à ºltimo, pensar si se necesita contar con la opinià ³n de un abogado, es recomendable elegir a  uno especialista en leyes migratorias, aà ºn cuando puedan resultar caros en algunos casos.   Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Audience Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Audience Analysis Paper - Essay Example New initiatives will be of less importance to them as long as the company is delivering decent results. They do not understand lot of technical data and things must be simplified for their understanding. 2) Sales and Marketing people: These would be a group of individuals who are motivated by higher sales figures. They are the ones who understand the different ratios which are used to determine the solvency, stability, capital adequacy of the company. One can use complex financial and accounting terms easily and assume that this group will understand it. 3) Customers: This group is one of the most naive in terms of technicalities of business or any financial know-how. They are more concerned with the product or service which the company provides and whether in future will it continue to deliver the same? Then don’t need to understand the ratios but will be interested in if company is increasing its sales by selling more to existing customers, or selling to more number of custo mers. They understand the business, but are not savvy enough to understand the balance sheet and quarterly figures. What communication channels are appropriate? Since this is a formal meeting, there is a limitation to using audio or video communication channel. It is difficult to convey financial data by use of an AV. But a presentation can be made which is friendly to both financial savvy and non savvy people. A presentation will help people get a visual perspective of the financial standing of the company. Footnotes at the bottom of each slide may include a note on explaining the technical part. This will help the customers or stakeholders who are not financially sound to understand the presentation better. Jargons like solvency ratio, PE ratio and Capital can be explain in crisp and plain language at bottom of each slide to ensure the message goes across the board equally. While the power point slide show is on, I will also need to take care of speaking relevant things as per the slide show. I would prefer not to speak what is already there on the slide, but to just add small explanations to why and how aspect. I shall also throw some light as to how those figures were derived so that everyone is at same level. Last but not the least; I would have a more discussion based approach than a monologue. This will ensure full participation by the attendees and their full attention to what is being presented. What are some considerations to keep in mind given the diversity of audience? Every individual come from a different background and hence they do not understand sales figures and financial information equally Expectation of each group of individual is different from the quarterly sales figure presentation. Customers will expect to see more sales and new initiatives, investors will seek better financial ratios and sales force will look for more profitability for better bonus Use of financial jargons should be judicially used as everyone might not understand the m To maintain the interest of such a varied group, creativity in presenting will help maintain the much needed interest of the audience. Financial sales data presentation otherwise may become very monotonous and fail to communicate properly How do you ensure your message is effective? The following care needs to be take to ensure the effectiveness of the message Use of power point slide

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Vietnam's Market Potential Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Vietnam's Market Potential - Case Study Example As Vuong, Q.H. (2003) states, Vietnam provides a very potential market for Pepsi products. There is great amount of interest in these products and raw materials are locally available from agricultural commodities that are produced in large quantities. In every meeting, the first question is if they should go to Vietnam. Many global companies have preceded Americans in venturing in Vietnam. Daewoo by South Korea was the only large investor but other companies that have heavily invested in Vietnam are Sony Honda, Toshiba, and British Petroleum bad Peugeot. The first US Company to market legally in Vietnam was Carrier, which windows air conditioners which appeared in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi stores. Pepsi and coca cola companies were also first to venture in Vietnam. Vietnamese Market Potentials and Challenges Experts believe that the market of Vietnam has great long term potentials. However, compared to Thailand, it is less economically developed, and it might take it a minimum of two decades to reach the economic level of Thailand today. However, the location of the country at the center of Asia, together with enough low wage work-force powerfully attracts foreign investors into the country like a magnet. Presence of neighboring countries like Thailand and Malaysia which are fast developing has made Vietnam lag behind. Politically, the Vietnam War isolated it from industrial west as well as United States. Recently, the country has tried to solve many problems with Chinese government and currently, china is an important economic ally of Vietnam. Vietnamese population is so poor that they only earn $200 per capita (International Monetary Fund, 2010). This may still offer sufficient market for Pepsi products like tomato and chili sauces. Infrastructure is also under developed where only 10% of roads are paved and electricity is also very unreliable (Anonymous). However, manufacture of Pepsi may not be affected because raw materials are readily available within the locality and labor force is sufficient and cheap. For every 100 people, there is rarely a telephone available and the system of banking is underdeveloped too. However, Vietnamese communist party is currently struggling to adapt market economy principle and bureaucracy. With layers built up in decades of the rules of communist, which slow change pace. State committee for investment and cooperation is the key agency and because every agency wants to make the final decision, then the investment climate must be improved, if Pepsi and other companies are to thrive well in this country. How Western Countries can Help Improve the Political Climate in Vietnam Western countries can sign business contracts with Vietnam in order to improve the market conditions in Vietnam, besides ensuring a ready market for the produc ts. Western countries should also stop interfering with foreign affairs of Vietnam, so as to prevent political wars that are frequently witnessed in Vietnam. Diplomatic relations with Vietnam, for example the one reestablished by president Clinton on 11th July, 1995, should be encouraged among western countries because they boost business in Vietnam (Anonymous). Lack of diplomatic relations in Vietnam makes Vietnamese exports difficult to enter western countries markets like US because their tariffs are prohibitive. However, despite the initiatives of Washington, Vietnam does still qualify to the status of favored nation. Bilateral trade agreements can also help open up foreign investment trade in Vietnam besides giving exporters of Vietnam western markets accessibility and this may also largely benefit Pepsi. For example, the US and Vietnam bilateral trade agreement in July 2000 allowed Vietnamese exporters to easily access US markets, thus widening their market and hence

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Higher education Essay Example for Free

Higher education Essay Did you know that education in school is really important? Many parents believe that education is important because it leads to a degree which grants you a good job. With an education you can get a steady pay check. With that pay check you will get away to financial independence as an adult. Why is Education So Important? he first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then, information cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life. Did you know that education in school is really important? School and education help people you understand beyond the world around them. Education helps ones immediate family, area, region, country, culture, race, or civilization. These different subjects open up information and knowledge. An important aspect of education is learning how to learn in order differentiate fact from fiction. Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. Education opens doors of brilliant career opportunities. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Every employer of today requires his prospective employees to be well educated. He requires expertise. So, education becomes an eligibility criterion for employment into any sector of the industry. We are rewarded for exercising the expertise required for the field we venture. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and how well we can apply them. Education brings about economic wealth, political stability and social prosperity; all these are hallmarks of a prosperous society. It can therefore be said that education playas an important role if a society is to be successful. Tertiary education is an important aspect in the development of any society that considers or aspires to be modern. It is by far the best investment that a nation or an individual can make in its youth or oneself respectively. Educated people are in a better position to contribute to the development of their country; these educated individuals get employment opportunities that give them satisfaction and also earn some form of respect among their work mates. It also plays an important role in the integration of a society in that by interacting with people from various areas, it will raise different issues that people in rural areas are facing thereby promoting knowledge and understanding of these areas Life is nothing without education? Life without education is like living in the streets. Without education youll become lost. You will not have a guaranteed future. You will no go home ridding your favorite car to your Own home. By learning your basic alphabets youll work your way through to have a professional career. Therefore with out Education to school you will not learn at all. Life is never without education. In societies without formal schools, parents pass skills on to children. Education starts before you ever go to school and goes on after you finish school. That said, formal education is a great way to ensure that every child knows what is most necessary to live in a particular society. Without education you will be an illiterate person your children in the future will come up to you and you’re not going to know how to answer them with a right answer. Education will help build your own perspective. Schools are the place you school of started how to pronounce and count. Importance of education is needed in order to succeed in today’s world. In order to receive education you must go through some process. Your first process is to graduate from high school with your diploma. The next step is to attend college to obtain a degree in a trade that you would like to pursue. Without education you wouldn’t get good pay or promotion that you deserve. However, some people feel that they can get by in life without education, sadly that is not true. If you would like at the graphic at the bottom you will see that the higher the education you have the more money you can make. Education is important to have in today’s society. Importance of education able you to have a good job security and knowledge of your field supporting the hard work a person put into there education. Overall, school is the basic start that will drive you to your future. With knowledge youll get the sense of pride that you know must of the things. Education will help brighten your children’s future. 66% of the US population has a high school diploma or high. You should be amongst these people.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Assisted Suicide :: essays papers

Assisted Suicide It is upsetting and depressing living life in the shadow of death. Many questions appear on this debatable topic, such as should we legalize euthanasia? What is euthanasia? What is assisted suicide? What is the difference between Passive and Active Euthanasia? What is Voluntary, Non-voluntary and Involuntary Euthanasia? What is Mercy Killing? What is "Death with dignity"? But if euthanasia was legalized, wouldn't patients then die peacefully rather than using plastic bags or other methods? And unfortunately the list continues. No one denies that there are many vulnerable persons who require the protection of the law. Take, for example, those in a temporary state of clinical depression, perhaps caused by a traumatic event in their lives. These persons will recover and go on to lead productive, happy lives, and it would be unconscionable to encourage or support them in a transitory wish to die. There are also many unemployed and unemployable, many disabled of all ages, and many senior citizens whose families might, for selfish or downright malicious reasons, encourage them to seek assisted suicide. All kinds of people in difficult situations could be at risk of being intimidated or forced into feeling their early death would be a convenience to society. Section 241 is doubly flawed. It is not an especially effective drawback against those who seek to prey on the vulnerable, but at the same time it forces persons enduring intolerable suffering to exist in that state against their own wishes, thus denying them their right of self-determination as citizens in a free democracy. Competent, rational human beings must have the right to determine their own health care according to their personal wishes, values and beliefs, as long as such a determination does not jeopardize the safety or well-being of any other person. We do not believe, for instance, that people have the right to kill themselves by driving recklessly and in so doing jeopardize the safety of others. To kill oneself by causing an explosion that will inevitably put others at risk is horror. It is also reproachable to end one's own life without regard to the trauma it might inflict on the vulnerable. People shall never forget the horror suffered by two young children who arrived home after school to find their mother hanging from the hall chandelier, or by a teen-age boy who found his father with his head blown apart from a self-inflicted shotgun wound in the kitchen of their home. We also need to consider the anguish of family members, friends and even health-care professionals who must continue to witness, day after day, Assisted Suicide :: essays papers Assisted Suicide It is upsetting and depressing living life in the shadow of death. Many questions appear on this debatable topic, such as should we legalize euthanasia? What is euthanasia? What is assisted suicide? What is the difference between Passive and Active Euthanasia? What is Voluntary, Non-voluntary and Involuntary Euthanasia? What is Mercy Killing? What is "Death with dignity"? But if euthanasia was legalized, wouldn't patients then die peacefully rather than using plastic bags or other methods? And unfortunately the list continues. No one denies that there are many vulnerable persons who require the protection of the law. Take, for example, those in a temporary state of clinical depression, perhaps caused by a traumatic event in their lives. These persons will recover and go on to lead productive, happy lives, and it would be unconscionable to encourage or support them in a transitory wish to die. There are also many unemployed and unemployable, many disabled of all ages, and many senior citizens whose families might, for selfish or downright malicious reasons, encourage them to seek assisted suicide. All kinds of people in difficult situations could be at risk of being intimidated or forced into feeling their early death would be a convenience to society. Section 241 is doubly flawed. It is not an especially effective drawback against those who seek to prey on the vulnerable, but at the same time it forces persons enduring intolerable suffering to exist in that state against their own wishes, thus denying them their right of self-determination as citizens in a free democracy. Competent, rational human beings must have the right to determine their own health care according to their personal wishes, values and beliefs, as long as such a determination does not jeopardize the safety or well-being of any other person. We do not believe, for instance, that people have the right to kill themselves by driving recklessly and in so doing jeopardize the safety of others. To kill oneself by causing an explosion that will inevitably put others at risk is horror. It is also reproachable to end one's own life without regard to the trauma it might inflict on the vulnerable. People shall never forget the horror suffered by two young children who arrived home after school to find their mother hanging from the hall chandelier, or by a teen-age boy who found his father with his head blown apart from a self-inflicted shotgun wound in the kitchen of their home. We also need to consider the anguish of family members, friends and even health-care professionals who must continue to witness, day after day,

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Contrast Between Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Roman Polanski’s Macbeth

The Contrast between Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Roman Polanski’s Macbeth Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is a tragedy that plots the fall and death of once a great man, revealing how ambition can lead to downfall. Many directors and producers have tried to portray his play into modern films but Roman Polanski produced the most successful Macbeth film, but Roman Polanski’s movie Macbeth changes many details that the viewer is unable to fully experience the catharsis. Tragedy is built on the idea that the audience can sympathize with the tragic hero and therefore experience a strong emotional response at the ending. They both were based on the same plot however Polanski’s Macbeth is not a proper tragedy when compared to Shakespeare’s Macbeth because of the difference in the relationship between Donnalbain and his brother Malcolm, the focus of death and violence, and lastly the key modifications that are seen through the different approaches of the characteristics and acts of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. During Roman Polanski’s film it is noticed that Donnalbain envies his brother Malcolm, thus creating more mysteries and suspense. Their relationship was so similar in the play however in the film it seems as if Donnalbain does not like his brother because during the time when King Duncan was alive, Malcolm was given the title as the Prince of Cumberland and Donnalbain received no title or land from their father. After Malcolm was crowned, it appeared as Donnalbain was jealous and upset because of the way Donnalbain expresses his facial appearance and his attitude towards Malcolm. Yet, in the play after the death of King Duncan, Donnalbain fled to Ireland and did not return through the whole play. Another aspect that in the film which was so different was the ending of the film. In the play, Malcolm stated a famous speech to end the play, â€Å"What’s more to do, which would be planted newly with the time, as calling home our exiled friends abroad that fled the snares of watchful tyranny, producing forth the cruel ministers of this dead butcher and his fiendlike queen†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (V. iii. 66-71). This speech was the statement that represented that Malcolm has brought Scotland back on its feet and on the right track, which portrayed the end of Macbeth Era and his evil deeds. This was the ending of the play but however in the film Roman Polanski added a twist in the film that would bring the cycle of bloodshed back into Scotland when it illustrated that Donnalbain has returned from exile and he stumbled into the witches on the way. This foreshadowed that the deeds Macbeth did to become king will arise again but this time Donnalbain will be behind it all. In the film, the deaths and the violence are shown in a way with more information than what the play describes and it vaguely changes the plots with the showing of these deaths. There were many deaths in the films that were not in the play, but that caught many viewer’s eyes was an onset death that was not portrayed in the film. Roman Polanski depicted the murder of King Duncan outstandingly because the audience never had the feel of how King Duncan was actually killed since it was an offset scene in the play. Also because of the blood and gore, and how it seemed as if Macbeth was actually being pleased by stabbing the King all over his body. However, in the play King Duncan’s death was an offset because Shakespeare could not have done it because King James, who was the king at that time, would not have liked a king being killed on stage. Nevertheless, in the play King Duncan’s death was different from the film simply because it was an offset scene and was not portrayed at all. In the play, Macbeth is depicted in such a way that the audience can sympathize for the tragic hero, however in the film he was portrayed more as villain rather than a tragic hero. In Roman Polanski’s version of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is known to the audience as a sweet respectful woman and more of a tragic character because it did not reveal the part where she wants to abandon her womanhood as it does in the play. She is depicted as courteous woman because of her tone and how she deals with Macbeth such as kissing him when he returns from battle, respecting some of his demands, and not threatening him to do something of her wish. In addition, since she committed suicide in the film by jumping off the balcony or stairs. However, in the play it’s the other way around. Macbeth is known as the politer and subtle human being of the couple and Lady Macbeth is described as a rogue because of her undertakings that are very unusual of a woman. She states, â€Å"Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know how tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me. I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this†(I. vii. 55-60) to her husband, Macbeth. This is in the play when Lady Macbeth emotionally blackmails Macbeth to killing Duncan and manipulates and takes advantage of Macbeth and tells him he’s a coward if he doesn’t kill King Duncan, which was not illustrated in the film at all. This reveals how different the film represented Macbeth than the play. Through Lady Macbeths great persuasion he did not express much remorse and repentance after murdering King Duncan and Banquo in the film, this was indicated thought Macbeth’s expressions throughout the film since it seemed as if he totally forgotten about what he had done for all the wealth, power and kingship. On the contrary, throughout the play it seemed as if Macbeth was always repenting his crimes worrying about the consequences that he will face if anyone found out the deeds he committed. This gives complete awareness to the audience that in the film Macbeth does not deserve to be executed however after reading the book it clearly gives the audience an insight of the real culprit, Lady Macbeth, since it was her evil deeds, in addition to her pushing Macbeth to extreme limits to where he did not want to go in the first place. To conclude, tragedy is built on the idea that the audience can sympathize with the tragic hero and therefore experience a strong emotional response at the ending. Roman Polanski’s film did not portray a proper tragedy because in the film, Donnalbain and his brother Malcolm had more of jealousy relationship compared to their relationship in the play, the focus of death was so different in the film as well because in the play Duncan’s Murder was an offset scene rather than an onset scene which was illustrated in the movie thus creating more violence and cruelty in the film, and lastly the difference in the characteristics of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in the film and play. Therefore, this reveals that Roman Polanski did have prevailing film version on Macbeth but not a proper tragedy to grasp the genre of Shakespeare’s version of the play.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Events: Event Management Essay

Event in a single word means a â€Å"happening†. There are many in our lives. Many of them personal and many relating to a business. While traveling to work you might see or meet a celebrity. It is an event for you. At work you might get a promotion. It is an event. Your company merges with a multinational corporation. It is an event. On your way back from work you meet your former sweet heart and have coffee with him/her. It is an event. When you return home your spouse informs you that the neighbors’ daughter ran off with your cook. It is an event. What is Management? Management is the ability of an individual or an organized group to achieve the result desired by the individual/group within the ambit of constraints imposed by the internal and external environment. A working couple desire to own a house and a motorcar from their earnings. The internal environment is, what is their disposable income, what are their current savings, how much more can they save, what is the area of house they desire and which type of car. Can they adjust to the new situation of spending less without any internal disputes between them? Can they take on the added responsibilities of paying EMI’s for both the new assets? And many more questions & issues. The external environment is the presumption of no increase in taxes, stability of employment, availability of loans for both assets at reasonable rates of interest, cost of both the assets as envisaged and other related issues. If both match substantially you have â€Å"managed† your personal objectives. However, if you find that the internal environment result in a mismatch of cash flow you may drop the idea of buying a car initially or you may decide to buy a smaller house or may decide to shift your residence to distant suburbs or may decide to postpone your decision of purchase to another period till the internal environment is more conducive. You have once again been â€Å"managed† by a change / alteration in personal objectives. In business the situation is the same. You want to start your own business in events. Your internal environment is. Your ability to bring in capital. Your ability to raise loans. Your connections with the industry, your leadership, marketing, financial abilities, your vision, your objectives, your objectives, your place to do the business, your staffing capabilities , your ability to take risks and other related issues. The external environment will be: Competition in the industry, Stability of the macro economic factors, the spend on the event business/industry, availability of competent Staff at the right costs, availability of the right office, godown, workshop space to suit your budget, the willingness of contacts to network for your cause, availability of finance at right rates, legal aspects of event business and other related issues. If both your internal and external environment suits your situation you are in the â€Å"event business â€Å"or for that matter any business. If the law bans â€Å"entertainment events† you may change your objectives and do only corporate/religious events. IF workshop space far exceeds your budget cost you may outsource parts of production to production – house; you have â€Å"managed†. Event Management â€Å"Event Management means and includes strategically and competently managing an organized â€Å"happening† so that the goals/objectives/purpose of holding that event are substantially achieved by allocation of resources on hand so maximum advantage both economic and strategic is achieved. An event is generally planned well in advance in a logical and coordinated manner as there are no retakes in an event. In many cases â€Å"Event Management† is synonymous with â€Å"Disaster Management†. In an event disaster is waiting to happen. A planned well coordinated event averts or at best mitigates a disaster. Event Management essentially is part of a marketing exercise. We are aware that Marketing is categorized into Indirect Marketing and Direct Marketing. Indirect Marketing is essentially advertising and publicity. The message is addressed to the world at large which includes that segment of the market which is prospects and probable converts to the brand/product/service advertised and/or publicized. The reach of advertising/publicity is substantial and a variety of mediums are used to solicit custom of the world at large. It has proved substantially effective which is evidenced by huge spends on advertising more specifically by corporate and business. As opposed to that, Direct Marketing is addressed to a specific audience or a target segment, be it in the form of Direct Mailers, Tele Marketing, P.R. Meets, Salesmanship, Emails and Events. In case of Direct Marketing the focus is clear and the audience/target is specific. Event Management as Part of Direct Marketing: Designing and producing an event – whether it be a meeting, corporate event, fund-raising gala, conference, convention, incentive or other special event such as a wedding has been compared to directing a movie but is actually more like a live stage production. It is done in one take and there no dress rehearsals. An event is the reflection of the corporate entity. It is part of the direct marketing the corporate has programmed. It gives direct access to the target market which it needs to address, be it a sales conference, a fund raiser, a religious sammellan, a road show or any other event. An event gives the corporate a focus on the right audience and keeps in making the audience aware of the policies, programs, the marketing of ideas to this target group. There is a direct exchange of information between the corporate and its target audience. It creates a bond between the management and the audience for whom the event has been organized. An event is that aspect of Direct Marketing where the communication it proposes to convey is not dissipated nor it is to the world at large. It is narrowed to that segment or group with whom the corporate/management needs to identify with. Events are big business the world over and there are professional firms who organize the set up of such events. Events actually flow from the marketing or the corporate team in any large organization. It is these teams that decide whether an event will help in furtherance of the marketing plan and how and to whom the event needs to be addressed. Once the holding of an event is decided upon, the major part of organizing of an event is looked into. This will include the theme, the place and the logistics. And of course the budget. In India the event industry is in a nascent stage. The industry is disorganized and every individual who organizes a birthday party classifies himself as an event manager. There are very few firms in the country who organize and set up events as professionals with a proper vision, infrastructure, systems and personnel. Correct figures are not available but it is estimated that corporate spends are around Five Thousand Million rupees in the organization of events annually and with globalization and influx of multinationals; the industry is expected to grow at a phenomenal 50% per year. The first series of questions the corporate management/marketing team needs to ask are: 1. Should I hold an event? 2. Which target group needs to be addressed at the event? 3. What are the funds required to stage an event? 4. Can the company afford to set aside part of the marketing budget for organizing an event? 5. Is the purpose of the event important to justify the outlay? 6. What would be the benefits accruing to me both financially as well as strategically? The same questions, in a different format, are applicable to non–corporate events. Take â€Å"Weddings† for example. Wedding is a social/personal event. To put it in the humorous text â€Å"it is a public display of a private intention†. It has a target audience of friends, relatives and business associates. It has a theme, strategy and budgetary constraints. It is a happening of a lifetime, which should be remembered not only by the bridal couple and their immediate families but also by all the invitees. Many times it is more complex in execution as compared to corporate events. It is estimated by India Today in one of its 2007 – 2008 issues, the Indian Wedding Industry to be worth about Rs 50,000 cores. This includes everything. From jewelry, to clothes, to food and beverage, venues, ceremonies of various events connect with the wedding.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

River Wood Plant Case Analysis Essays

River Wood Plant Case Analysis Essays River Wood Plant Case Analysis Essay River Wood Plant Case Analysis Essay This initiative will be piloted in the newly constructed River Wood plant. Issues and problems. This initiative presents numerous issues and problems. The following are issues for consideration for the new General Manager to consider: a. Organizational change; employees are often resistant to change. In this case the supervisory roles within this organization will be especially resistant to the loss of visibility between themselves and executive management. The installment of a General Manager who is responsible for all functions and personnel, subsequently removes direct links for some employees to the senior Vice President. B. Relocation of personnel; Those employees who will be required to move to other sites may present fight to movement as they may be well established at their current plant and in their personal/family location and routines, as such NY relocation may upset this balance and in turn negatively impact on work output by some employees. C. Pickling and education of employees; All the employees will require pickling on the new assets and operating procedures of the updated production line. The period of time will take to implement and remedy bugs will effect productivity. D. Impact on current operations; the major changes planned for the new River Wood plant will impact on productivity and burden other plants to make up the short comings whilst the initiative is being implemented and obstacles are emptied. These impacts will cause angst the stakeholders as production and potentially reputation is effected, until results are achieved. E. Management setup and changes to roles and responsibility including leadership styles. Options. There are numerous options for the new General Manager responsible for the successful outcome of the initiative. Relevance to highlight changes being implemented are consistent with key organizational outcomes, especially changes to the organization and management setup. In addition to highlighting the relevance of changes, the General Manager has the option of legitimizing the changes as the firms top management believing the success of the initiative will benefit the long-term viability of the organization (2011 , Cameron and Wheaton). Bringing legitimacy to employees for the requirement of potential relocation. The General Manager has the option Of legitimizing the necessity and opportunities Of undertaking training on new equipment such as certificate qualifications and transferable skills. The General Manager must be an expert in manufacturing operations, and have personal power to influence change and a sense of purpose within the firm. Further the General Manager must demonstrate a high input of effort to set the standard for their employees to model off. Plantation. This should begin prior to the new plant being built. This will afford the General Manager to establish relationships, build their expertise on manufacturing operations, grasp the organizations culture and clearly ascertain the objectives of this initiative both operational and strategic in order to legitimate the initiative to the stakeholders and employees. The General Manager should be involved in selecting employees for the new plant and openi ng opportunities to other plant staff to be part of the initiative. This can coincide with the necessary visit by the prospective General Manager to other plants to gain ideas of best practices in production operations. Recommendations. It is recommended the General Manager be selected with the following traits: a. Expertise to ensure best practices are established early, this affords the ability of early detection of any potential issues, further it affords the General Manger credibility amongst their employees, peers and supervisors. B. The General Manager must display high levels of effort to set the standards within the new plant. In turn this will push employees, be setting expectations, within the new River Wood plant to deliver anticipated outcomes. C. Be legitimate in their actions and decisions, subsequently this demonstrates to employees the General Managers actions and decisions are consistent with organizational values and goals. D. The General Manger must adopt a reasoning influence strategy as there is efficient time to establish relationships and requirements. This method of influence will also be valuable in maintaining ongoing relationships once the new plant becomes operational. Conclusion. The River Wood plant scenario presents many issues as high lighted above in addition to other ongoing issues. By adopting a reasoning influence strategy the General Manager will be in a strong position to overcome any obstacle faced, further the General Manager must demonstrate legitimacy, expertise, effort and relevance to complement their personal power to achieve the desired outcomes.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Kaplan SAT Book - Full Review

Kaplan SAT Book - Full Review SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Kaplan is a giant in SAT prep, but that doesn't mean its prep materials are good. In fact, they tend to be far from excellent. In this review, we'll examine Kaplan's SAT 2015 book for its strengths and weaknesses. Why trust this review? When you get advice on the internet, it's important to understand why you should believe the advice you're receiving. Because your SAT score is important, follow the wrong advice, and it might be too late to improve your score. To be transparent, here’s why you might be able to trust this review more than others: I like to think that I know what I’m talking about.I scoredtwo perfect scores on the SATand have worked personally with thousands of students prepping for the SAT. I’ve worked with students at all levels, from people at a 1200 level to people aiming for a 2300+. Other writers often don't have the expertise to differentiate between books, and they recommend books as an afterthought (and you can probably tell). I don’t get paid for these recommendations, and I don’t get paid if you buy these books.I’ve studied dozens of books for SAT prep, and I review the books that I come across. Other sites, especially about.com and reviews.com, get paid for featuring books and get a kickback when you buy a book they recommend. One disclaimer: I’m co-founder ofPrepScholar, an online SAT/ACT prep program. I believe we’ve built the best prep program available right now. Itdiagnoses your strengths and weaknessesand gives you a structured all-in-one program, combining the best aspects of the books below, so you know exactly what you need to study at every point. But I want to stress that you don’t need a program to excel at the SAT. In fact, writing this guide may lose us some customers, since you might decide that you don’t need a program at all. But if you decide that you don’t want to manage 10 books and want an integrated complete program that customizes to your learning,check PrepScholar SAT out. Kaplan SAT Prep Book Review When I consider the quality of a book, I think about a few important questions: Who's the author, and what is his or her experience with the subject matter? How effective is the book, and why? What are the book's main pros and cons? About Kaplan If you've researched SAT prep, you've most likely heard of Kaplan. One of the first SAT prep programs, Kaplan established a reputation for being able to improve student SAT scores while the College Board maintained it was impossible to prep for the SAT. Unfortunately, since its heyday in the 20th century, Kaplan has taken a huge fall. Its classes are consistently rated to be bad, and its prep books tend to receive poor ratings. In some sense, its success was its downfall. Because it's such a mainstream company, it needs to cater to a large span of students. To cut costs, instead of tailoring programs to different students, it shoots for the lowest common denominator. This means it provides a lot of students with subpar experiences, just like most Kaplan SAT books. The specific authors of this book aren't clear, but they're likely internal writers in Kaplan. It's therefore hard to judge the credentials of the authors, but you can guess that they're likely not superbly impressive. How Effective is the Book? I'll say it outright - if you're serious about SAT prep and want to improve your SAT score by over 150 points, this is not the book for you. I know there are some students who just want to put in 5 hours, get some exposure to the test, and then take the SAT and forget about it. I personally believe that for most students, improving your SAT score is, hour for hour, thebest way to improve your chances of college admission. So I would say that if you feel this way, you should re-examine your approach. But if you just want a book that does a mediocre job of a lot of things, the Kaplan book is reasonable.It’s an all-in-one book that covers the three sections and contains practice questions and practice tests. It doesn’t excel at any of what it’s doing, but it covers the important bases. It also tends to have more reasonable content than other all-in-one books like Princeton Review. What's wrong with it? The strategies aren't very helpful - the tricks it offers might help students scoring in the 400 range, but they quickly lose effectiveness once you gain familiarity with the SAT. The content isn't thorough - for example, it doesn't cover all the grammar rules you need to know. The questions also tend to not be realistic, compared to official SAT practice questions. By training on low-quality questions, you risk learning the wrong patterns of the actual SAT test. I don’t love this book. I don’t even really like it. I don’t recommend it if you at all want to improve your score seriously and are willing to put in study time. But if you just want a single source that can do an OK job and is easily digestible, this is the best one out there. Kaplan SAT Book Pros and Cons Pros: Covers all three sections and contains practice tests. It's an all-in-one book that provides an acceptable broad introduction to the tests. At $15, affordable for the breadth that it covers. Contains some basic strategies that can get you a few easy points if you get stuck answering questions, or if you're performing at a low level. Cons: Practice questions tend to be unrealistic – they often don’t phrase questions the way the SAT would, and they don’t test concepts in the right way. The questions also don’t trick you in the same ways that the SAT does. Answers and materials can have errors – not great quality control. Strategies are not helpful once you move beyond a 600 score level in the section. Overall Rating Once again, if you're not too committed to SAT prep, want to spend fewer than 10 hours, and want a brief whirlwind introduction to the SAT, this book is fine for you. If any of these isn't true for you, then other top SAT prep books will be much better for you. Overall Rating:50/100 What's next? Read our detailed guide to theBest SAT Prep Booksto put together your own study program based on the best SAT books available now. What's a good SAT score for you?Figure it out with our step by step guide based on the colleges you're applying to. Aiming for a high score? Read ourguide to scoring a perfect SAT score, written by me, a perfect SAT scorer. Check out our industry-leading online SAT program. We've designed it to cover all the advantages of books and tutors at an affordable price. Featuring in-depth strategy lessons and thousands of practice questions, we have the content from the leading books. Beyond that, the programacts like your personal tutor. It guides you step-by-step through what you should be working on at every moment to best improve your score. Itcustomizes to your strengths and weaknesses, then gives you focused practice so you learn the patterns on the SAT. Furthermore, it motivates you to study so that you put in enough time. There's a 160 point guarantee - if you don'timprove your score by 160 points, you get all your money back.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Art Movements in the Twentieth Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art Movements in the Twentieth Century - Essay Example Frida Kahlo used his paintings to portray the pain that human beings had to go through psychologically. Her life was not a ride in the park as she had various issues to struggle with, like illness and personal relationships; something that pushed her to this artwork, which was therefore a public alarm that people should embrace better relationships with their friends or lovers and be careful not to utter or do things that would interfere with one's psychological wellbeing. It is through her work named, ‘The Two Fridas', in which her personality as well as political intensions were implied; meaning that this was a representation of the personal struggles that revolved around her life as well as those of Mexico, that she was made famous. Frida was known to be a very devoted citizen to her country and is said to have joined the communist party and even took part in public political protests. Her dressing advocated nationalism, and this was also evident in struggling to have Mexico achieve a national identity. Through their artworks, Picasso and Frida Kahlo were able to air their various feelings of what was happening in the society, on behalf of the rest of the people who had no voice as far as such matters are concerned. These were mainly political and social matters that drove them into venturing in the field of artwork, and takes commitment, concern and love for one's people and country to be in such a field. Through their artwork, political leaders became more responsible.